We encourage anyone with an interest in Entomology to support our Society by becoming a member.
Membership dues are based on a calendar year (January 1 - December 31). Members who pay for multiple years of membership before the annual renewal period (December) will have their memberships automatically extended. Note: Students must submit verification of current enrollment for student membership.
Benefits of CSES membership
- Networking opportunities with colleagues who share your interests.
- One subscription to the Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society (JKES), which provides early notifications about upcoming issues and online access to back issues from 1928 to the present.
- Eligibility to submit manuscripts for publication in the Journal.
- The chance to attend and present papers at the Society's annual meeting.
Member Categories
Regular Member
$25 per year
Student Member
$4.95 per year
$20 per year
Sponsor Member
$90 per year