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Central States Entomological Society

Uniting entomologists and enthusiasts in the study of insects and arthropods, with a geographic focus on the central part of the United States.

About CSES

The Central States Entomological Society (CSES) promotes opportunities for people interested in insects and other arthropods to benefit science and society by sharing their knowledge and engaging with others, particularly within the central United States. The Society fosters interactions among diverse groups (students, professionals, and amateurs) and across disciplinary and organizational boundaries.

The Society was established in 1925 and produces a peer reviewed quarterly publication, the Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, which contains papers on regionally relevant topics by regional as well as international contributors

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Membership Benefits

Subscription access to the Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society (JKES) through BioOne online.

Opportunity to attend and present papers at the annual meeting of the Society.

Eligibility to submit manuscripts for publication in the Journal.

Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society

Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society is published by the Central States Entomological Society. It is a highly regarded, peer-reviewed journal that is published online continuously throughout the year, and will be printed as a single volume at year's end.

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